Jenny Stevens, a resident of Bloomington since 1995, has enjoyed working successfully as a leader, team member, and volunteer on several community projects with MCCSC, TEDxBloomington, Girl Scouts, and Leadership Bloomington/Monroe County. She earned a Master’s in education in 2018 and subsequently worked in several elementary schools. Jenny has extensive experience in Finance, Budget, and Project Planning through roles within healthcare and higher education locally and in Ohio. Her solid track record leading teamwork on shared goals includes many examples of successful implementation by collecting data, integrating diverse views and needs, and building consensus to achieve the desired outcomes. Currently, Jenny, along with her husband, have raised three children who have attended local public schools and benefited from their education at Indiana University.
Contact Jenny by sending an email to jennyforbloomington@gmail.com
"As we work together,
we must remember to promote and include diverse voices in civil discussions and consider our need
to mitigate climate change
and environmental issues."

Public Infrastructure
Bloomington's investment in public infrastructure directly impacts everyone in our community.
In light of the increased compact housing in the downtown areas, there is a need to review the needs of our established community and the investment of financial resources to pro-actively manage aging infrastructure. A pro-active focus will be part of my framework as your city council representative.

Affordable Housing
As your council member, I will robustly work with community partners on this issue while representing our neighborhood concerns and balancing business interests and immediate housing crisis situations. This work will be hard and it will take time, but we can move forward together in discussions about options and support for ideas that are sustainable and environmentally friendly while also respectful of core neighborhood identities.

Public Safety
Engaged partnerships are needed to ensure Bloomington
remains a safe and civil city. Although overall crime is down, incidents of violent crime have increased during recent years.
Analyzing recent crime data and investigating further
the deterents and safeguards to these events will be critical.
As your council member, I will work to understand and support
local programs to keep
Bloomington Citizens Safe.